About Us

“Why is it that man always finds the time to fix things when they went wrong? Yet often neglects to put the time and effort in to do the right thing in the first place?”

Asking for help from experienced people is not a weakness, it’s smart!

Bridging Creativity and Business Sense

For over thirty years!

At WorldWide Local Connect we believe that a successful business is built on two legs, creativity (incl. innovation) and business sense.

You seldom find a successful business where business sense does not go hand in hand with creativity and innovation, or at least not for long.

WorldWide Local Connect offers an abundance of skills and business services through it’s global network, covering both the creative and business spectrums of multiple industries.


– former Gillette Co. employee

WWLC - Our Story - Hans van Putten - Peter Dragone

Our Story

WorldWide Local Connect Inc. (WWLC) was born out of a need to work with a broad spectrum of experts to help startups and small businesses in a variety of geographic areas..

Our mission today is to help any business to grow by working with such experts, ones with proven track records, experts who are, or have been, successful entrepreneurs and/or small business owners themselves.  We’re looking for recent, real life experience.  WWLC is creating a vibrant network comprised of individuals who have been through the trials and tribulations of small business ownership and who want to work with and assist fellow entrepreneurs.

Read our blogs of interesting stories by clicking here for those penned by Peter Dragone and here for those authored by Hans van Putten.

Our Approach

We ask for your information. We do a gap-analysis to find out what information is missing and where you may need help.

We then negotiate what you want to do yourself and what you would like us to help you with.

And based on the help you need form us we put an SOW, Statement of Work and Quote together.

We cater to all size companies or departments at all budget levels.

Why Us?

WorldWide Local Connect has a vast network of experts with skills and experiences built over many years.

We solve problems, we are forward thinkers and innovators and we believe in the mantra that “You give a man a fish and he eats for a day, but teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime!”

Our strength is to be your arm’s length department, rather than big company consultant providng you with a big bill and a big report that is out of date the moment you get it. 

WWLC - Our Approach-Why Us - Hans van Putten - Peter Dragone

WorldWide Local Connect

A Global Network of Higly Skilled and Experienced Experts!

Get In Touch

Need help, just have a question or want to become part of the team, simply contact us.

World Wide Local Connect
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