The WWLC Blog

Regular articles and contributions from our vast network of experts, experienced and skilled professionals, from around the world and across a plethora of disciplines.

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Mission Statement Madness

Mission Statement Madness

For startups and small businesses mission statements can actually distract from the tasks at hand. Work on your elevator pitches instead.

One Chief Officer Too Many?

One Chief Officer Too Many?

Beware of teams where everyone is a chief officer. Entrepreneurs may view inflated titles as a cheap employee benefit. That can be a mistake.

Entrepreneurial Bluffing

Entrepreneurial Bluffing

Should entrepreneurs bluff? That question is a matter of some debate. My advise? Make sure your bluffs are credible and worth the risks.

Benefits, A Point of View

Benefits, A Point of View

“My workers will welcome this new and improved benefits package.” Are you sure? The value of benefits is in the eye of the beholder.

We Treat You Like Family

We Treat You Like Family

Commitment culture companies make few long term commitments. For the most successful, IPOs and Wall Street pressures await them. Change inevitably follows.

Death of the Business Suit

Death of the Business Suit

The men’s business suit died the other day. Another anonymous victim of the global pandemic. Yes, the business suit is dead, long live the shirt.

The Dunbar Number

The Dunbar Number

150 is often referred to as the Dunbar number. It is considered the optimal size for organizations and teams. Managers would do well to keep it in mind.

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