Mission Statement Madness

Mission Statement Madness

Mission Statements have long been one of my pet peeves.  These short summaries of a company’s purpose, often global in ambition but lacking in specifics, have long enjoyed the favor of academics and investors alike.  Most recommend, indeed insist, that...
Death of the Business Suit

Death of the Business Suit

The men’s business suit died a few days ago. In hard pressed cities like Boston and New York suits were “passing” quickly, two and three pieces at a time. And, as was the case with so many fatalities during these button-downed times of quarantine, nobody was there to...
Business Success and Employee Happiness

Business Success and Employee Happiness

You may not have heard of Frederick Winslow Taylor or W. Edwards Deming, both long dead, but their influence is still felt.  They advocated, among other things, the need for a more efficient, continuously improving workplace; a company would succeed so long as...
Wearable Sensors in the Workplace

Wearable Sensors in the Workplace

A number of startups are developing systems designed to use wearables to improve workplace productivity.  These devices can monitor, among other things, stress, fatigue, movement, even brain activity. The goal, according to some wearable sensor proponents, is to...
Every Day Is Halloween

Every Day Is Halloween

I am fascinated by the language found in job recruitment postings.  A quick perusal of local startup company openings on Indeed.com finds that there is an unsatisfied need for Ninjas, Rock Stars, and Super Heroes.  To be accurate, only passionate, team-oriented...
How to Improve Social Media?

How to Improve Social Media?

How to improve social media?  Larry Sanger has the answer. One of the founders of Wikipedia, Mr. Sanger has called for social media users to forego their favorite platforms for two days.  He is organizing a social media strike.  His goal is to use this boycott to “. ....
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